Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to help people heal and manage medical conditions or injuries that cause pain. Originally developed as Eastern medicine in countries like China and Japan, this alternative therapy is now accepted in Western culture as an excellent complement to traditional medical treatments.
At HealthQuest Chiropractic & Wellness Center in Kirkland, Washington, we have an in-house acupuncturist available to help assist patients that suffer from issues like back pain, pregnancy pain or headache. We see clients benefit from this therapy every day and encourage you to consider meeting with our acupuncturist to discuss your pain management goals.
Successfully Manage Pain with Acupuncture at Our Clinic
Our acupuncturist, Dr. Lori Jin, can perform an initial consultation to determine if this treatment can help improve the pain associated with your specific medical condition or injury. Our clients find their sessions with Dr. Jin to be very relaxing and enjoy the improvement they notice in their pain level after each visit.
We would love to hear more about how you have benefited from this alternative healing technique.